This is not a forecast of what will happen, but it is an attempt to make people think more deeply about the financial issues that could arise from the Coronavirus.
Why the 2008 financial crisis may very well be matched and exceeded by the pandemic nature of the Coronavirus.
Remember, the 2008 financial crisis was driven by over leverage, exotic debt and high risk derivatives.
Today, global debt is significantly higher than the total debt that existed in 2008. We unfortunately did not take steps to reduce that 2008 debt level.
The highly levered component of that overall debt, debt that carries very relaxed to no restrictive covenants, is very sensitive to company specific business activity. Should cash flow decline, the ability to service this relatively high interest rate debt becomes problematic. Compounding this potential problem is that the Highly Levered Debt currently on company balance sheets is at an historically high level. Potential defaults by the companies that issued this high interest rate debt would appear to warrant concern for the overall finance industry should a strong economic downturn take hold. Why?
Because the loss of economic value due to a global slowdown of trade and commerce from the pandemic will likely reduce liquidity in the financial markets as banks and others become reluctant to lend further. With economic contraction and the resulting negative impact on employment, the highly-levered loans that now exist in 2020 will be like the Liar Loans, the Collateralized debt instruments, and the derivatives of the 2005-2008 period. Repayment of the outstanding debts in accordance with the terms of the original loan agreements will show increasing signs of instability with the inability to comply. This would occur on a global scale.
Unfortunately, China and the Central Banks are not in the position to pick up the lost demand and re-ignite the financial markets as they did in 2008 – 2019.
It is very likely that the pandemic and its global economic and financial impact will be the catalyst that further moves people to seek out and adopt crypto currencies and crypto assets. Everyone looked for the “Killer” App to be the cause of mass adoption. Sadly, it may be a virus that shakes the foundations enough to drive purchases of alternative means of executing commerce and in storing value that are not based on our existing financial infrastructure.
Bitcoin, Ether and Gold look like interesting asset holdings to be considered for this possible period of instability and disruption.