Blockchain under the surface and interoperability

As I have stated many times, I want my friends and family to understand what is taking place behind the scenes that the general public is not focusing on or paying attention to. Education provided by me to you, and then from you to those you know, is what kindness is all about (which makes it your job to educate others by sharing the news you access on the topic of Blockchain and the transformation of our financial infrastructure). I believe and have believed since 2015, that Blockchain technology is revolutionary, and we all should be responsible to ourselves, to our family and to our friends by being educators.

For Educational Purposes Only

As I have stated many times, I want my friends and family to understand what is taking place behind the scenes that the general public is not focusing on or paying attention to. Education provided by me to you, and then from you to those you know, is what kindness is all about (which makes it your job to educate others by sharing the news you access on the topic of Blockchain and the transformation of our financial infrastructure). I believe and have believed since 2015, that Blockchain technology is revolutionary, and we all should be responsible to ourselves, to our family and to our friends by being educators.

Please listen to the video below in its entirety. I hope it motivates you to start following news stories on this topic. That does not mean learning code or diving deep into the infrastructure. What it does require is for you to look at the world today and to imagine the benefits to the services we depend on, to the efficiencies that may be realized and to the opportunity to be a part of the journey as a participant in Blockchains earliest days of adoption.

I never give financial advice and I am not doing so now. What I do provide are the pathways to learn. I just want you to learn.


This video is critical to watch. It focuses on information that is right there in front of us but which so few people are taking advantage of. Please watch the entire video. I will give you a test later (only joking).

Video on financial industry adoption of Blockchain Technology and Public awareness

The next two links are to the company Quant’s website. I believe in Quant’s mission. Early on I saw that Quant’s business model was focused on interoperability between Blockchains. I viewed that as critical because I foresee each Central Bank in the world forming their own individual blockchains to distribute digital money within their economies in the form of Central Bank Digital Currencies (“CBDCs”). This will enable governments to continue to control and influence their economies within their borders by controlling their own money supply growth in digital form. But the governments must be able to transact between their Central Bank and the rest of the world’s many Central Banks. That is the proposition that Quant and other Blockchain technology companies are focusing on as they work with banking institutions around the world. Quant just completed their role in Project Rosalind (you should Google it). Quant worked with the Bank of England and the Bank for International Settlements to utilize blockchain technology for Bank-to-Bank transactions, and to coordinate transactions between the local bank and the retail consumer. This is Public Information, yet the general public is not paying attention to it.

You have a choice: Focus on becoming aware or remain unaware as most of the global citizenry is. These are still early days, but this technology is becoming pervasive in many sectors of society. You have a role to play in educating as many people as you can to give everyone the opportunity to understand this incredible transformation that is taking place right before our eyes.


Quant and the Financial Markets*1y8j3fa*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTQ1Njc4Njk5LjE3MDY1NDY4ODc.*_ga_KEN210YEFE*MTcwNjU0Njg4NS4xLjAuMTcwNjU0Njg4NS4wLjAuMA..

With love and kindness,